MMCFlasher modules
There you can purchase modules for flashing ECUs for MMCFlasher software.
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Module 23 MMCFlasher - Mazda Denso 2.2 diesel Sky-Active
Module 23 MMCFlasher allow reprogramming Mazda Denso 2.2 diesel Sky-Active ...
Есть в наличии
6000 руб. |
Module 24 MMCFlasher - Mazda 1.3 1.5 1.6 MT/AT with ECU Denso 2009+
Module 24 MMCFlasher allow programming (reading/writing flash, also contains ...
Есть в наличии
6000 руб. |
Module 25 MMCFlasher - Mitsubishi 2013+ with MCU MH8115F (Outlander III, ASX, Mirage)
Module 25 MMCFlasher allow reading and writing Mitsubishi cars 2013+ with ECUs ...
Есть в наличии
5000 руб. |
Module 27 MMCFlasher - Ford petrol Bosch MED17.2 / MED17.22 / MEDG17.0
Module 27 MMCFlasher - Ford petrol Bosch MED17.2 for flashing or Bosch MED17.2 ...
Есть в наличии
5000 руб. |
Module 28 MMCFlasher - Ford petrol Siemens EMS2204
Module 28 MMCFlasher Ford petrol for Siemens VDO EMS2204 ECUs (serial firmware ...
Есть в наличии
5000 руб. |
Module 29 MMCFlasher - Subaru Hitachi / Unisca Jecs ECUs with MCU M32R series and SH7058
Module 29 MMCFlasher allow reading and writing Subaru cars with ECU Hitachi ...
Есть в наличии
9000 руб. |
Module 3 MMCFlasher - Mitsubishi MH8104F and MH8106F (CAN+K-line) and VIN and codings rewrite
Module 3 MMCFlasher - Mitsubishi MH8104F and MH8106F (CAN+K-line) and VIN and ...
Есть в наличии
7000 руб. |
Module 30 MMCFlasher - Honda / Acura K-Line
Module 30 MMCFlasher - Honda Acura K-Line allows only writing ECUs for ...
Есть в наличии
7000 руб. |
Module 31 MMCFlasher - Mazda petrol Sky-Active engines (2.0 and 2.5L) with ECU Mitsubishi Melco
Module 31 MMCFlasher - Mazda petrol Sky-Active engines (2.0 and 2.5L) with ...
Есть в наличии
5000 руб. |
Module 33 MMCFlasher - Mazda petrol Sky-Active engines (2.0 and 2.5L) with ECU Denso.
Module 33 MMCFlasher - Mazda petrol Sky-Active engines (2.0 and 2.5L) with ...
Есть в наличии
5000 руб. |
Module 36 MMCFlasher - Denso CAN (SH705x) + eeprom and ECU cloning
Module 36 MMCFlasher Denso CAN - for reading/writing petrol and diesel cars ...
Есть в наличии
10000 руб. |
Module 37 MMCFlasher - Nissan / Infiniti petrol ECU Hitachi CAN
Module 37 MMCFlasher for reading and writing cars Nissan / Infiniti petrol ...
Есть в наличии
12000 руб. |
Module 38 MMCFlasher - Honda / Acura CAN 2006+
Module 38 MMCFlasher - Honda / Acura CAN 2006+ developed for Hitachi, Tecmic, ...
Есть в наличии
12000 руб. |
Module 39 MMCFlasher - Nissan / Infiniti ECU Hitachi (K-Line)
Module 39 MMCFlasher - Nissan / Infiniti ECU Hitachi (K-Line) allow reading ...
Есть в наличии
9000 руб. |
Module 4 MMCFlasher - Mazda petrol with MCU SH705x, MH8405F
Module 4 MMCFlasher for Mazda cars for programming (reading and writing) CPUs ...
Есть в наличии
6000 руб. |
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